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Entrepreneur, future author, life coach, gym owner, emergency suicide line, motivational speaker

I’ve been in that dark place, i’ve been on the dark side of addiction and I’m not here to tell you it’s easy. I’m here to help and guide you to the other side, by your side.


I opened Eastman Fitness with the only goal to change lives, focusing on both physical and mental health, I'm proud to announce that we have renamed to Empower Fitness and passing the reigns over to a great guy - you can find out more on the empower fitness page.


Fitness for me became more of my journey in my recovery. Since then I have placed top 150 at the 2012 World Championship of obstacle racing, ran over 13 ultra marathons, and started fighting in MMA & Boxing at the age of 35. In April 2017 I went to Mt.Everest Base Camp.


Whether speaking to a small group of ten or a crowd of thousands, I have been invited to many schools and events for my motivational speeches which include personal story of bullying, mental health, religion, suicide, and addiction. Places include but not limited to: National Rotary Convention, Utah State University, Utah P.E. and Health Teacher State Conference and many more.


I can help you develop the mindset and strategies to dig yourself out of any situation or take your life to the next level.

Please get in touch, fill in the contact form and we can arrange a call and see how I can help you.

Go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that's going to help you grow

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